Where to deliver a gift?

in Yekaterinburg: 22/10/2024


Payment security
For order payment you are free to choose any of the variants offered. We guarantee the security of all payments used at our site for payment of orders since we tend to use only reliable and proved payments processing services.
Payments processing service for bank cards is provided by specialized payment processors (Unitpay and 2checkout) which are supplied with licenses and software for data transmission and protection. You can be absolutely sure that your payment card data of will be used exclusively for payment processing.
Data confidentiality
All data which you provide for our site will never be used for distribution or transferred to third parties. We assume responsibility for any personal information of our clients because security is one of our priorities. We realize that our business completely depends on your confidence towards our company.
Any information of the client is considered to be confidential and cannot be used without his consent. If, while ordering you have taken an option “Withhold sender’s name”, then even a manger who is engaged into placement of orders and, moreover a courier, will not know sender’s information.
Our company has a «Seller’s Certificate» from “WebMoney” payment service.
“Present” trade mark was registered on 16.01.2006. Certificate No. 58294.
Additional information
Operation of payment services such as UnitPay and 2Сheckout will guarantee our clients the security for doing on-line shopping. Responsibility to clients is assumed by payment service. For this reason, before contract conclusion all payment services thoroughly study the company documentation. Every company has a credit history and depending on state of this history? The company may receive these or those possibilities.
All orders should be placed on the company’s website and all payments arrive in company’s account. Our company bears full financial responsibility before the client. All questions either on making changes to the order or financial problems can be discussed only with the client by means of correspondence with e-mail address which was specified in the order or over the telephone the number of which was given while placing the order.